The C2C LAB’s real-life laboratory character is now also visible from the outside. A framework made of C2C-certified hot-dip galvanized steel provides the basis for many other façade elements in C2C quality.

Event Speakerin vor Kameras und Monitor

Numerous guests from politics, business, science, society and voluntary work as well as our team of almost 40 people came together at the C2C LAB in Berlin on June 22.

In a total of five expert discussions, we wanted to find out what role data and digital infrastructures play or could potentially play in the emergence of circular ecosystems.


10/11/2022 C2C Expert forum: procurement - rethinking for sustainable municipal purchasing
Event Speakerin und Monitor

nearly 100 viewers

How can a circular transformation according to Cradle to Cradle succeed at the municipal level? We discussed this at the C2C Expert Forum: Procurement and presented our guideline for Cradle to Cradle procurement.

Event Speakerin vor Kameras und Monitor

produced at C2C LAB Berlin

22/09/2022 C2C Expert Forum: Interior concepts - innovative product design and interior architecture according to Cradle to Cradle
Event Speaker und Publikum sitzend

with 70 people on site & digital

At the “C2C Expert Forum: Raumkonzepte – Innovatives Produktdesign und Innenarchitektur nach Cradle to Cradle”, experts and the professional audience discussed what healthy and recyclable interior design can look like.

Person weiblich gelesen wird gefilmt, spricht
Event Speaker und Publikum sitzend

over 250 spectators

C2C Summit: Shaping Municipalitis of the future. 12/05/2022

At the “C2C Summit: Shaping Communities of the Future,” we discussed with 250 participants how we can use Cradle to Cradle (C2C) to shape circular and livable communities.

Event Speaker und Publikum sitzend

with Sören Bartol, MdB


C2C Congress Stage 2
Personen zwei sitzend, werden gefilmt

größtes Event in diesem Jahr, dass im LAB produziert wurde

What do packaging and plastics look like for tomorrow? We answered this question at our second congress stage on September 7 together with numerous experts in this field.

Monitor versch. Bildausschnitte


Deep Dive Bike Magazine. VDID
Person männlich gelesen wird gefilmt

This year we started with our new format “Deep Dive” and gave both VDID and Bike Magazine a 2-day digital and technical workshop on Cradle to Cradle.

Person weiblich gelesen wird gefilmt, spricht
LAB Talk Ellen Uebershcär
Bildschirm mit Person

At our 21st LAB Talk we had the executive director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Ellen Ueberschär, as our guest. The conversation was about how we can achieve political change and promote Cradle to Cradle on a political level.

LAB Talk Ellen Ueberschär
Akademie 2021
Personen zwei sitzend, werden gefilmt

At the Spring Academy, we set a new attendance record with 450 registrations from active and external participants. The program covered a wide range of topics. Also the academy in the fall was a success.

Personen zwei sitzend, werden gefilmt
LAB Talk Claudia Kemfert
Bildschirm mit Person

In the C2C LAb Talk with Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert  we spoke about instruments for switching to a sustainable economy, a holistic view of the climate and resource crisis, and the opportunities that Cradle to Cradle approaches offer for this.

LAB Talk Claudia Kemfert
Textile Summit
Bildschirme mit Personen drauf

Keynote by author, scientist and environmental and human rights activist Dr. Vandana Shiva

Bildschirme mit Personen drauf

with 300 participants

The day-long summit focused on how the global textile value chain can be brought into cycles to end not only the waste of resources and environmental damage caused by the industry but also the social consequences thereof.


Personen Monitor

with Dr. Benjamin Bongardt, Andreas Thürmer, Barbara Metz, Anne Lamp

Forum Kreislaufstadt Berlin

At the C2C Forum: Kreislauf-Stadt Berlin we will discuss together with citizens and responsible persons from politics and economy what exactly the current challenges in dealing with resources in Berlin are and how we can solve them together.

Person männlich gelesen, sitzt, Anzug, lacht


LAB Talk 19, Digitales Format

We chatted with Lamia Messari-Becker, about the evolution of World Creation Day, the potential impact of resource cards, and buildings of the future.

LAB Talk Lamia Messari-Becker
Tim im LAB sitzend und Person am Bildschirm


LAb Talk Digitales Format 18
LAB TAlk mit Tim und Lars Klinkbeil im C2C LAB sitzend


With Lars Klingbeil, Member of the German Bundestag, Secretary General of the SPD

C2C LAB Büroraum


2020_LAB TALK 6
LAB Talk Bela B


Person und Monitore werden gefilmt


The musician and author Bela B has been a member of the advisory board of Cradle to Cradle NGO since 2018. In the LAB Talk he talked to Tim Janßen about C2C, explains what he likes about it and why he is committed to climate protection.

C2C Forum Nora und Bildschirm mit Person


C2C LAB Büroraum


We talked to Delara Burckhardt about the EU Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan and her work as an EU parliamentarian in Corona times.

LAB Talk 19, Digitales Format
Person männlich gelesen spricht in Mikrofon


C2C Forum
Person männlich gelesen, hält Vortrag, Publikum ca. 30 Leute


Timber construction pioneer Erwin Thoma and the architect Jörg Finkbeiner from Partner und Partner Architekten showed at the C2C Forum “Climate-Positive Building” that building according to C2C is possible.


Sechs Personen stehen in Halbkreis, lächeln in die Kamera

With Annette von Hagel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Flamme and Andreas Otto

C2C Expert Forum
Publikum ca. 50 Leute, sitzend, klatschend


The expert forum showed that we can and must make some changes in the field of construction and architecture so that healthy and recyclable buildings are standard.

ca. 30 Personen im Innenraum, unterhalten sich, sitzen, schauen


C2C Cafe

Mosa, Tarkett and QbiQ invited to the Cradle to Cradle Café in November 2019 with the theme ‘Positive Impact! Cradle to Cradle in buildings’ at C2C LAB.

drei Speaker*innen und Publikum von hinten, ca. 20 Leute
Festive Opening LAB
Matthias Horx, C2C LAB

With Matthias Horx, Florian Pronold, Regine Günther and Canan Bayram

C2C LAB Büroraum


After the one-year and worldwide first refurbishment of an existing commercial unit according to C2C criteria, the C2C LAB was ceremonially opened in September 2019.